Outstretched Arms

Berkley, MI
Location Information

(248) 224-0824
Berkley, MI - 48072

(248) 224-0824 Click to call There are no comments. Be the first to leave one below. rev.brown@outstretched-arms.net Go To Website
About Outstretched Arms

This is a Women's Only Facility


Outstretched Arms is an 12-18 month Christian Residential Discipleship Program and Training Center, for WOMEN battling substance abuse.

This is a recovery center, focused on restoring lives through a relationship with JESUS CHRIST.

Biblical studies/counseling/ structure/ goal setting/ evaluations, etc. T

here are 4 phases of the discipleship training, followed by 6 months of transitioning.

Call 24 hours 248 224-0824. Pastor Toni-Brooke Brown, Director.

Nominal entry fee, based on ability to pay.

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